Different Investments You May Want To Add To Your Portfolio

When you have some spare money and you are looking to invest, there are many things that you can consider adding to your investment portfolio. It is not something you want to rush into doing, and you will need to do plenty of research before parting with your money. Below are some of the different investments you can consider making that can be lucrative and give you a nice nest egg for a rainy day.

Consider Foreign Currency For Your Investment

One investment idea you may want to consider is a foreign currency investment, and there are various ways you can invest in foreign currencies. One of the best ways to invest in these currencies is through ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds). The funds can hold various currencies and track their underlying movements. Fees are low for this type of investment, and you can short or long the currencies in the same way you can stocks and shares.

Investing In Gold Bullion

Another excellent investment you can consider is buying gold bullion to add to your investment portfolio. People often look at gold as a safe haven and a hedge against inflation, and if you look to invest for the long-term, they can show you decent returns. However, you will need to consider where you will store your investment to keep it safe, and there are a few options available.

Get A Safe: You can have a safe installed in your home to store your investment, but you will also need to have it insured, and standard home insurance policies will not cover your gold.

Get A Safety Deposit Box: You can also get yourself a safety deposit box, which will incur a monthly charge. You can get various size boxes, and the company’s insurance will fully cover your investment.

Store It With A Precious Metal Dealer: You can also store your investment with the precious metal dealer from who you bought your gold bullion. There is a monthly charge for the storage, but there are no transport costs, and your investment will be comprehensively insured.

Investing In Property

Another idea for investing is putting your money into property, which can be an excellent addition to your investment portfolio. You can rent out the property and have an income stream from it, but you will need to ensure you maintain your property t keep it in excellent condition. You can see some fantastic returns when choosing this type of investment, especially if you look at it as a longer-term investment.